America, the Melting Pot
All I remember from that time of my life, was how busy I was to get be part of this great country, and how wonderful people were to me. My family and I were included in all sorts of activities.
we were invited to so many people’s homes to experience the American life, The American people were genuinely interested in knowing as much as possible about our backgrounds, our Native country, Our Language, and our culture. My parents got involved in the Knoxville symphony & Opera and they were very welcomed by everyone. they became members of both boards and stayed very involved for many years. When they passed their citizenship exam and were sworn in as American Citizens, their Friends hosted “An American Flag” reception for them where they were honored and welcomed as the newest Americans in Knoxville. I loved and still love that America. I loved the inclusiveness of the people and the true meaning of the “Melting Pot”.
Most everyone we befriended talked to us about their own ancestors, people were very proud to be Irish, Italians, or Scots, etc. Everyone was very proud of their ancestry, very proud to be American, and very happy to include us to join this great county, add strength to this post- beatified “Pot” full of bright colors but all joined together by this strong glue called “love for Country”. Everyone I met at that time, whether new to the country or were born here, loved America. the love of a country where all you want to do, is work hard to make it proud of you, the love of a county where you are very proud of the country’s achievements the love of a country where pride surpasses all other emotions and just want your country to succeed, the love of not any country, it is the love of The United States of America.