“I Love America” Is not a political statement

Why is everything political today? Why can’t we say I love this Country or the flag of the United States of America without having to read into these phrases and decide whoever is saying them is either a liberal or conservative?

As am immigrant, do you have an idea how powerful and liberating it feels when we say. I Love America? We don’t just say it, we experience it. Most of us do not get in the politics of our language, we just LOVE THIS COUNTRY and we love to say it.

When we express our love for America, we are, first and foremost, offering an olive branch to every American born citizen. We are telling them; we love you, thank you for allowing us to come here, thank you for giving us the freedom to experience freedom as you do, and thank you for allowing us to experience liberty like you do.

This statement is not a political statement, it is a statement that should unite us, politics divides us and we should never allow politics to take away from how truly we love this country.