Published by Diary of an Immigrant sharing my perspectives on my more than 40 years since immigrating to the US. This site will surely make both political parties love and hate what I write, but I know that TRUE AMERICAN will love what I have to say All The Time.
America, the Melting Pot
America, the Melting PotAll I remember from that time of my life, was how busy I was to get be part of this great country, and how wonderful people were to me. My family and I were included in all sorts of activities.we were invited to so many people’s homes to experience the American life, …
“I Love America” Is not a political statement
Why is everything political today? Why can’t we say I love this Country or the flag of the United States of America without having to read into these phrases and decide whoever is saying them is either a liberal or conservative? As am immigrant, do you have an idea how powerful and liberating it feels …
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Published by Diary of an Immigrant sharing my perspectives on my more than 40 years since immigrating to the US. This site will surely make both political parties love and hate what I write, but I know that TRUE AMERICAN will love what I have to say All The Time.